2008年2月28日 星期四
人生有很多的幸運與巧合,以為將自己一個人前往時,卻發現網友 Singing 也即將去南美,遂決定結伴壯膽。而原本以為不能去的 Mei 也在昨日忽然絕處逢生般的終於媽媽點了頭,應允她去,只是旅遊的天數縮短,但不管怎樣,我已經要感恩老天垂憐,感謝 Mei 的媽媽放寬尺度、成全她的夢想。
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「有人說,當你看到三十個國家的日出日落,你就會找到你的終生幸福 」兩個愛旅遊的女生,背起行囊,踏遍整個世界,只為追尋自己的幸福未來,讓我們與您一起見證旅程中陽光灑肩頭的喜悅吧 -- Go, World without End
人生有很多的幸運與巧合,以為將自己一個人前往時,卻發現網友 Singing 也即將去南美,遂決定結伴壯膽。而原本以為不能去的 Mei 也在昨日忽然絕處逢生般的終於媽媽點了頭,應允她去,只是旅遊的天數縮短,但不管怎樣,我已經要感恩老天垂憐,感謝 Mei 的媽媽放寬尺度、成全她的夢想。
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(一) 預防蚊蟲叮咬:許多疾病是藉由病媒蚊而傳播,比如瘧疾與登革熱。針對此類疾病可採用以下防蚊措施:
(二) 注意食物飲水安全:腸胃道傳染病是遊客出國最常罹患的疾病,建議使用以下的方式來確保食物飲水的安全:
(三) 其他注意事項:
(Read more...)3. B型肝炎疫苗(Hepatitis B immune globulin): 一劑約 700-800元。 4. 瘧疾藥品 (Malaria medicine, 去氧羥四黴素 Doxycycline 100mg):一顆約 4 元。 5. 傷寒疫苗 (Typhoid): 6. 狂犬病(Aujeszky disease)/破傷風 (Tetanus ( Lockjaw )):一般旅客原則上是採行”暴露後預防”(Post-exposure prophylaxis)。 ◎延伸閱讀疫苗針打不打?藥拿不拿,拿了吃不吃?一時沒想太多,但為了避免感染惡疾回來,導致重病不治,昨晚匆匆在網路上掛了台北馬偕家庭醫學科旅遊門診,今天一大早就跑去台北馬偕注射疫苗了。
門診醫生是黃偉新、護士為吳美慧,我跟Mei (Mei 仍抱著最後一絲決心還在為了出國持續抗爭中)一起鑽進了 4 號小診間,黃大夫看起來很年輕開始例行性的詢問:
Jess and Mei: 南美洲 的祕魯、波利維亞、智利與阿根廷
Jess and Mei: 恩 ..3/19-6/5 左右
Jess and Mei: (兩人尷尬的笑了起來)我們失業很久啦,哈哈哈
吳美慧護士在旁不禁噗哧ㄧ笑,心理一定想這兩人真是不知民間疾苦(我們心中的 OS)...
然後黃醫師開始跟我們訴說,瘧疾藥建議要吃,AB 肝炎疫苗要先檢測有無抗體或帶原 (醫生說國人40歲以上的大部分都有抗體, 以下的就得先檢查)。黃熱病疫苗一劑約 1000,A 型肝炎疫苗一劑約 1600(有點忘,下次再度確認),防瘧疾的藥 (Doxycycline) 一顆約 4 元(錢其實都是我們在問的^^),果然一切都需要錢啊。
但鑑於防瘧疾的藥 Doxycycline 會有些討人厭的副作用,雖說我們會在祕魯跟波利維亞呆上一個多月,我兩還是很猶豫到底要不要吃,我只好脫口而出「就備而不用吧!」沒想到黃醫師聽到後很冷靜的說「要吃!」我們還真是三條線~
後話,這次看診的醫生跟護士人都很好,整場諮詢的過程笑聲不斷,沒想到打個疫苗雖花錢還真開心 ^__^。
1. 國際旅遊疫情與 疫苗 須知 : 玻利維亞-登革熱 2008/2/21 (新疫情)
2. 國際疫苗接踵單位與收費標準
3. 台灣疾病管制局
1. 黃熱病疫苗 (Yellow fever bacterin): 疾管局對所有年紀大於9個月以上的旅客,建議出國前10天要打才有抗體產生。 一劑約 1000 元 + 證明書 200 元。
2. A型肝炎疫苗(Hepatitis A immune globulin): 一劑約 1260 元。
1. 台北馬偕黃熱病疫苗注射服務,只有每週二跟五,一天只限 10 個人注射。
2. 若為 AB 肝炎疫苗,每天都可注射,不限人次。
3. 可在醫生那直接說明需要攜帶到國外的藥品,醫師可予以專業建議幫忙開藥,但藥物均為自費。
4. 今日看診費用明細: 共 2200
以下就是我列出來的幾個 events from March to May 2008。如果大家對其他時間的節慶有興趣,可以利用 iExplore , WhatsonWhen and TravelMax三個網站來查詢。不過奇怪的是有時後我發現不同的網站寫的 event 時間會不一樣,目前還不知如何查到最具公信力的答案。 另外還意外找到一個可以查全世界各地關於 wine 的 events 網站 LocalWineEvents.com,可以試試喔!
1. Events in Peru:
2. Events in Chile:
3. Events in Blovia:Festival of the "Gran Poder" La Paz, Bolivia 5/01/2007 - 6/30/2007
The biggest street party in La Paz is a religious festival with a carnival feel. The "Festividad del Senor del Gran Poder", the festival of the All-Powerful, stems from a cult that developed around a painting of the Trinity of the early 17th century. The second person in the painting represents Christ depicted with native features. From the 1930s, street processions began, headed up by an image of a dusky Christ carried on a ceremonial bier. Nowadays the event has a strong folkloric element, with more than 50 "brotherhoods" contributing costumed participants, adopting varied themes such as Incas, conquistadors, colonialists and so on. Thousands of dancers follow the parade, their voluminous skirts twirling along the way. Eating and drinking plays a prominent role in the day's celebrations. Pinning down the date of Gran Poder can be problematic: this is a moveable feast of the people. (Photo from stephanie-sas' photostream)
4. Events in Argentina
從去年開始到今年,似乎在暗示著我不能再依賴任何人事物了,人最終只能信賴自己,所以今晚我一個人去誠品閱讀相關旅遊資料時,腦海裡已經想像著自己一個人的旅行。我還想起 2005 年的夏天,自己也曾在北京 travel alone, 那時的旅程由一開始的很緊張變成很安靜,緊張是因為怕遇到壞人,安靜是因為始終一個人走、無人應答。有時寧靜的四周會湧入一些聲音,無意中跟賣紀念品的小販東聊西扯起來、在路上偶遇也是ㄧ個人旅行的異國旅人,意外的快樂就這樣偶爾竄進無聲的旅程中,盪漾出那日我最開懷的笑。
PS. 此篇應該是誰在阻撓篇終結版了吧!之後還有誰會來亂勒?拜託不要吧!
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終於開始思考要怎麼帶衣服了... 雖然爬台灣的高山多次,也累積了一些衣物準備的經驗,但這次前往南美適逢冬季、位處三四千公尺高山、又正值全球氣候異常,還有在預算有限下,我還是得精心思考該如何帶足夠保暖又穿脫方便的衣裳。 Backpacking clothing can be grouped into 4 basic categories: inner layer, mid layer, insulation layer and outer layer. Each type performs a specific task within a clothing system. Whether or not you need them depends on your backpacking plans. Step #2: Consider Your Fabric Options Inner Layers Mid Layers Insulation Layers Outer Layers A Note on Outer Layer Design ◎延伸閱讀
剛好今天在 REI 的網站上看到一篇How to Choose the Right Backpacking Clothing,文章裡很詳盡的介紹如何準備衣服與相關衣物材質的介紹,貼來與大家分享之 (待我徹底研究與採購完畢後再來寫一篇整裝心得)。
How to Choose the Right Backpacking Clothing
The clothes you bring with you on a backpacking trip must perform 2 important jobs. First, they must protect you from the elements (rain, snow, and wind). Second, they must keep you comfortable during a variety of activities and weather conditions.
The best way to choose backpacking clothing is to build a "system" of clothing layers that can be mixed and matched to handle different trips and different conditions.
Some Basic Definitions
Layering is the practice of dressing in a number of lightweight clothing layers instead of 1 or 2 heavier layers. Layered clothing systems are versatile (you can add or remove layers in response to changing conditions) and efficient (a number of thin layers will be warmer than 1 or 2 thick layers, and they'll take up less room in your pack).
Certain clothing layers enhance comfort by pulling sweat from the surface of your skin and transferring it into other clothing layers. This process, called wicking, keeps you dry and comfortable in warm conditions. It also keeps you warmer in cold conditions by reducing evaporative and conductive heat loss.
To stay comfortable when temperatures rise or your activity-level increases, you need clothing layers that let your sweat and body heat escape. A garment's ability to do this is referred to as its breathability. Breathability is affected by the materials that a clothing layer is made out of and the design of the layer itself.
Step #1: Consider the Layers You'll Need
Inner layer clothing is worn right next to your skin. Its job is to keep you comfortable by wicking the sweat from your skin and providing an extra layer of insulation. Inner layer clothing is usually worn in moderate to cold conditions when a little extra insulation is needed and the chance of aerobic activity is high. It's available in a variety of thicknesses for different activities and weather conditions.
Mid layer clothing consists of the items you use every day: shorts, T-shirts, lightweight pants and long-sleeve shirts. The primary function of mid-layer clothing is to provide basic insulation and protection in warm conditions. Mid layer items are often worn alone on short trips in good weather conditions. The pieces you choose should be comfortable, lightweight and built to last.
Insulation layer clothing is designed specifically to provide additional warmth. It's typically worn whenever mid layer and/or inner layer pieces are not warm enough for the current conditions. The insulation layers you use should be warm, lightweight and as non-bulky as possible. They should also breathe well to let sweat and body heat escape.
The primary job of outer layer clothing (both tops and bottoms) is to protect you from the wind, rain and snow. But it needs to be somewhat breathable as well, to let sweat and body heat escape. Backpackers should always carry protective outer layers.
Outer layer clothing can be divided into 3 basic categories (see below). Each has it's own set of characteristics, and each protects backpackers from precipitation, wind and sweat build-up to different degrees. To choose the right outer layer clothing, focus on the general category that sounds best for your needs. Then consider the design features listed at the end of this section to choose a specific model.
-- Positives:These repel wind and light precipitation while providing excellent breathability. They tend to be less expensive than other options.
-- Negatives:They are not waterproof enough to protect you in harsh weather conditions or extended periods of rain.
-- Typical Uses- Water-resistant/breathable fabrics are perfect for backpackers who travel in arid and/or warm conditions where good breathability is important and the chance of heavy precipitation is low. They are popular among backpackers who plan short trips in good weather and those who enjoy strenuous activities like trail running.
-- Positives:These are completely waterproof, and they're less expensive than waterproof/breathable fabrics.
-- Negatives:They provide very little breathability, which can be extremely uncomfortable it's hot or if you're working hard on the trail. To let moisture out, layers using waterproof/non-breathable fabrics have to be cut extremely loose (like ponchos) or they must have special vents or openings built in to let the heat and sweat out.
-- Typical Uses- Because of the lack of breathability, most backpackers stay away from waterproof/non-breathable outer layers (unless temperatures are very low or the chances of heavy precipitation are very high). They are used occasionally in moderate conditions in inexpensive rain pants and emergency ponchos.
-- Positives:These fabrics are both waterproof and breathable (to a degree). They are good performers in a wide range of weather conditions.
-- Negatives:Even waterproof/breathable fabrics heat up and trap sweat during strenuous backpacking. Exact performance depends on the specific type of fabric used, the outside temperature, the amount of activity and other factors. Waterproof/breathable fabrics are more expensive than other types of outerwear.
-- Typical Uses- More and more wilderness enthusiasts are choosing waterproof/breathable fabrics for their outer layers. These fabrics are comfortable in a wide variety of situations and conditions. And performance levels keep improving all the time.
There is more to choosing the right outer layers than just deciding on a type of fabric to use. You must also consider the designs features included in different jacket and pant models. When you start comparing different styles head-to-head, consider the following:
--Adjustable Openings
The waist, cuffs and neck should seal tight for bad weather but open easily for extra ventilation.
該怎麼說呢?圓夢前內憂外患總是會不斷出現,剛剛 Mei 說「秘魯在罷工耶,你知道嗎?」天啊!我確實不知道...
Peru workers strike traps 100s of tourists
Saturday, February 23, 2008 06:05 [IST]
Lima: Hundreds of tourists were trapped near the ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu as a workers strike against private development entered its second day and paralyzed Cuzco's airport, transportation officials have said.
"We deplore this inconvenience which can interfere with passenger travel and tourism but we think it would be worse to open the airport under these conditions," said Deputy Transportation Minister Carlos Puga yesterday.
The airport at Cuzco, the staging city for travel to the mountain-top citadel, was expected to reopen today, unless the demonstrations continued, Puga said.
The Cuzco regional workers federation called Thursday for workers to block key roads in the city for 48 hours, forcing the shutdown also of rail access to Machu Picchu, Peru s leading tourist attraction.
Around 500 protesters yesterday blocked streets and access roads in Cuzco as part of the demonstrations, called against a new law which would permit private firms to set up shop in the areas close to Peru's archaeological sites.
Protesters branded the law an "affront to the heritage" of the country.
However, some tourists were able Friday to visit Machu Picchu, a 15th century site atop an Andes mountain peak 2,500 meters high and which attracts some 800,000 tourists a year, most of whom travel there by train. The city was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.
Peru: Cusco riot / protest to end today, Velasco Astete Airport could open tomorrow
Transportation 22 February, 2008 [ 11:15 ]
(LIP-ir) -- After Cusco's 48-hour strike ends Friday evening, flights to the Imperial City will resume once again on Saturday morning, said Carlos Puga, the vice minister of transportation and communication.
The Peruvian Corporation of Airports and Commercial Aviation (CORPAC) closed Velasco Astete Airport at 10 a.m. on February 21 because of violent protests that were taking place in the region.
In an effort to keep passengers safe, airport authorities closed the airport just before protesters surrounded it.
"It is likely that if protests don't stop then the airport will not reopen. We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause passengers and tourists, but we believe it would be worse if we opened the airport under these circumstances", said the vice minister.
Approximately 500 police officers are guarding the airport to make sure it is not overrun by violent protesters, said Peruvian police colonel Alfonso Chavarri.
The officers were sent from Lima and guarded the airport on Thursday as students and construction workers attempted to take control of it.
Police used tear gas to drive protesters away, who had completely surrounded the airport and tried to get onto the property by making a hole on one of the airport's outside walls.
Upon realizing they could not get into the airport, protesters made their way to the city and had several encounters with Peru's national police.
The majority of Cusco's main roads are completely blocked in some cases protesters are charging those that want to use the road.
Warden Message: Peru General Strike, Caution Advised
Consular Affairs BulletinsAmericas - Peru 15 Feb 2008
Peru: Strike in Cusco - Private hotel investment law rejected
Peru 7 February, 2008 [ 12:15 ]
(LIP-ir) -- Upon the announcement that people in Cusco would take part in a 24-hour strike on Thursday, Peru's Minster of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Mercedes Araoz, stated she lamented that a law which was to benefit the tourism sector in Cusco had been misinterpreted.
Araoz expressed she was concerned with the way Cusco's people had reacted to the law, which in her opinion, would foster investments in hotels as well as other touristic services that would create jobs and preserve the region's historic monuments.
The law known as the Promoción del Desarrollo Sostenible de Servicios Turísticos en los Bienes Inmuebles Integrantes del Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación has already been voted against in congress and will be voted on again next week.
The law proposes to make it easier for private investors to be awarded concessions - for the construction of hotels - in areas near archaeological sanctuaries and Cusco's historic downtown.
Even though the new law was voted against, Hugo Gonzalez, the regional president of Cusco, announced that a 24-hour strike would begin on Thursday.
Gonzalez explained the strike would be held to make sure the law was rejected once again.
Tourists will not be able to reach Machu Picchu by train on Thursday because of the strike, announced PeruRail. Representatives reported the service had been canceled for that day for safety reasons.
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今天 Mei 說,B 的朋友曾經旅行南美洲,一聽到我們只有兩個女生要去那邊旅行,就直說太危險啦!那邊可是殺人搶劫都有,很危險,他還說自己在那都被綁架過。害我們兩個嚇得皮皮啜,也不敢再找 B 的那個朋友諮詢,以免越挫越沒膽。
◎出處:【遊記】 巴西防偷防搶安全指南
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此版本行程與第一版的主要差異是放棄了3個國家:巴西、墨西哥與瓜地馬拉。主要考量實在是因為不想每天在中南美洲東奔西跑,故忍痛犧牲 3 國以換取身心之合諧。
◎出發前拍案定稿版 (2008 South America Travel Schedule)
◎南美行程 (2008 South America Travel Schedule) 拍案定稿地圖版 (Map Version)
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而從這次的旅程,我看到了一種意志力的挑戰,我整天研究著狹長的南美地圖,探索著不知名的城市景點,在背包客棧、各式網站閱讀網友的建議與經驗指南,我們到底該怎麼走,該怎麼一點接著一點的前進,每個地方該停留幾天才不會累垮,該怎麼辦理那些超級刁難國的簽證才能踏進他們的國土,我們的 backup solution 是什麼?
另一個難關,Mei 也許正在嘗試突破著,到底該怎麼跟爸媽說才能允許讓她出國?我只能對這個問題留待無限美好的遐想空間,相信長輩總會諒解,身為兒女追求幸福的一種渴望。
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