2008年8月8日 星期五
Some friends ask: "Is there any souvenir in South America tourists can buy?". To be honest, they have so many kinds of souvenirs. Even when you are trekking in the moutain, vendors still ask you if you wanna buy the sweeter by Alpaca or handmade bracelet.
在這些紀念品中,有個比較特殊的玩意,想要介紹給大家,那就是台灣人俗稱「南美‧財‧神‧爺」的 Ekeko。噹~ 噹~
However, here we would like to introduce a special souvenir, which is Ekeko, we called "God of Wealth in South America"
Is he cute and lovely?
大部份我們看到的 Ekeko 都是穿著上圖的打扮,怎麼樣都覺得份量少了一點,為了顯現我們對Ekeko 的誠意,特地幫他另外加了一件斗篷。 怎麼樣?這樣是不是就很大器了呀。:D
Most of Ekeko we see is like the above picture. Do you think he is a bit thin and weak? To show our best respects, we especially give him a luxury poncho. How about it? Does he look much better?

Ekeko was thought firstly to show up in plateau area of Bolovia and Lake Titicaca in one century before Spainsh conquered the land. Because he drove out unluckily of each family and brought fortune, people started following him.
而如今隨著玻利維亞人的移民,在祕魯的高山區域 (譬如:庫斯科) 以及阿根廷北部 (譬如:Jujuy 省) 也可以找的到 Ekeko 的蹤跡。
只是很奇怪的,店家都把 Ekeko 放在隱密的角落裏,讓我們找尋好久,要不就是店內數量只有兩尊、三尊,要找位「馬吉」的也不容易。所以啦,大家就瞭解了,財富不是垂手可得,是需要花一番心力的。 我們最後是在庫斯科的中央市場,跟一位也很有親切感的媽媽交易成功,感謝Ekeko。
Just the vendors all put Ekeko in esoteric area or only have two or three ones in the store. Maybe it means it is not easy to get fortune. You need to make an effort.
在當地,你問財神爺恐怕沒人知道你在說啥,因為對於當地人來說,Ekeko 不僅僅是財富,更是好運 (Good Luck) 的代表。它身上所背負的物品,都是大部分人所期待擁有與所追求的,譬如汽車啦、房子啦、愛情啦、錢財啦、好收成啦 (穀物為代表)、一切欣欣向榮啦 (食物為代表) 等等。而這些除了靠自己之外,也要靠他人的牽成,需要一些好運氣,因此 Ekeko 必須是他人贈與的禮物,不能自己買給自己喔。
If you ask locals about "God of Wealth", maybe nobody knows that. Because Ekeko is not only for fortune but also good luck for locals. The stuff he carries all represent what most people expect and pursue, such as car, house, love, money, well harvest (corps), prosperous for everything (food). Don't forget, Ekeko has to be a present from other people. You can't have it by yourself.
Ekeko 有個小小嗜好,就是偶爾抽個小菸。所以它開懷笑開的嘴,其實也在等待你送上一根菸。一年讓他抽上一次,保佑你一整年的成功順利。當然,也別忘了讓 Ekeko 待在一個舒適的環境裏,神清氣爽,好運才會來嘛!!!!
Ekeko has a little hobby, to take a smoke. His laughing mouth is actually waiting for you to give him a cigarette. Once per year, and he will bless you well for the whole year. Of course, give him a comfortable enviourment for having good luck.
是不是很可愛的一個神明呢?有機會去南美玩時,別忘了 也找尋這尊可愛的南美財神爺喔。
How about finding one next time when you travel in South America?資訊:每年1月24日在玻利維亞的 La Paz 有屬於 Ekeko 的節慶,Alacitas Festival。大家會利用這天購買自己想擁有的東西的小模型,請僧人 (Shaman) 祈福。有些地方則是在 10 月舉行,但稱為 "Calvario"
Info:A festival for Ekeko called Alacitas Festival in La Paz every Jan. 24th is for people to buy some models of the things they want to have and Shaman will bless you. But in some areas, it is held in Oct. called Calvario.