2008年7月31日 星期四
"When you need the knowledge, you regret that you are lacking it.. " Before we headed off, we haggled over every penny, and also decided not to bring any travel book for this trip. But until now, we don't understand what happened to us at that time.
We: Should we buy a travel book for this adventure?
Devil: Which one we need?
我們:目前去南美最夯的應該就是 Lonely Planet 啦!也有人說日本的地球步方(地球の歩き方)很適合台灣人的閱讀習慣。
We: The most popular one should be Lonely Planet. But some people also said 地球の歩き方is suitable for Taiwanese.
魔鬼:Lonely Planet 好大一本喔!South America 那版的又厚又重,若是單一國家又要買好幾國。地球步方那本是日文你看得懂嗎?
Devil: Lonely Planet? The S. America one is too heavy, or you need to have single-country one. That will be too many. 地球の歩き方?Can you read Japanese?
我們:聽說 South America 版的可以將要去的國家拆成一小本一小本裝訂起來,就方便攜帶了。而日文裡有很多漢字,應該可以猜得出大致在說什麼。
We: We can take South America one apart by each country and that will be lighter and handy. In addition, we can read Kanji, so it might be able for us to guess.
Devil: But is it good to make a book higgledy-piggledy? Plus, after all, Japanese is not the mother language. Importantly, those books are very expensive.
We: You're right. We are so poor!!!
Devil: Some people also make their own travel book and just throw part away when they finish an itineray. I think you have got lots of informaiton. It won't be difficult to make a book for you two.
We (Nodding our heads vigorously) : Great idea! (You know, we are just common people who are inspired and hoodwinked easily)
Then we really started making our travel manual in few days before setting out.
最後,這長達 79 頁的特製版旅遊書(一張兩頁正反印濃縮成約 20 張紙的小手冊)讓我們倆個之後在南美洲的旅行
In the end, this special-79-page travel manual was with us in South America.
時而滿心歡喜的讚賞自己之前所做足的功課 ;
We sometime were proud of what we researched before;
sometime also felt painful because we couldn't find the information we wanted to learn more;
sometime we checked if we missed somewhere;
也時時奔走於 Tourist information center 詢問此地哪裡好玩;
and also rushed in Touist information center to ask about where we can go;
sometime we enjoyed the local food followed by the manual;
but also couldn't find the restaurants while feeling hungry sometime;
We were always happy not to have a heavy travel book when we almost couldn't walk
卻也總是在不知下一站夜宿何處時借拍他人的 lonely planet 推薦住處
But also borrowed other people's Lonely Planet to find next accommodation.
感謝老天,我們終於平安的回來了 ^__^
We feel appreciated for all of these.
Because of these blank spaces, our trip is full of the joy of exploration.
Because of those travel books, our next unknown steps were solved.
Moreover, we are grateful for many kind local people being our invisible travel books when we lost the way.
Thank God. We arrive home safely. ^__^