2008年6月25日 星期三
Under our smiles, our feet have some water bubbles after the 3-day trekking... but it finally got the return !!
We achieved the highest point of mountains in our life so far. (4750 M. S. M. N)
(And with serious cold....)
wrote on Friday, 20 June, 2008 11:18 AM
Huascaran national park 位於秘魯北方,於 1975 年 7 月 1 日建立,佔地 340,000 公頃,長 160 KM, 寬 20 KM,是南美洲安地斯山脈上第二個最高的公園 (最高峰 6768 M),也是世界上最高的熱帶山脈的中心。擁有豐富的植匹與動物群 (超過779 種植物與 112 種鳥類),高處可見高原、峽谷、冰河和眾多海拔 6000M 以上的山峰 (663 個冰河、296 個湖泊與 3 個主要河流的 41 個支流),景色壯闊秀麗、生機盎然。 此地也成為秘魯戶外活動最興盛之處,舉凡登山、健行、攀岩、滑雪、泛舟、騎馬、飛行傘、滑翔翼等應有盡有。若想超越巔峰者,務必要預留兩週在此才有足夠的時間一一攻克群山。
在欣賞了些許美麗的圖片與研讀相關介紹後,我們抱著既期待又怕受傷害的心情抵達離此最近的城市 Huaraz 。由於時間有限,我們選擇了最熱門的健行步道 Santa Cruz 為我們此次攻堅的路線。3 天 2 夜說長不長、說短不短, 迄今已旅行將近 3 個月的我們,其實體力大不如前,我們選擇跟團,因為有 dunky driver 趕小毛驢幫我們載個人裝備、帳篷與糧食、有嚮導兼廚師幫我們準備三餐,這時候真的不是逞強的時刻,我們承認我們是弱者。
◎ Santa Cruz 小檔案
1) Distance: 62KM
2) Duration: 3 - 4 days
3) Altitude: 2,900-4,750M
4) Rating: Moderate to Difficult (depends on from which side you start to walk)
5) Fee: US$70 -100 depends on days and services
‧US$70: include food, transportation, guide, cook, tent, you can request free hiking stick, sleeping bag and rain coat.Without dunky driver around US $30 and national park entrance fee: US $20 and another special fee: US$5
‧US$100: include dunky driver, food, transportation, guide, cook, tent, you can request free hiking stick, sleeping bag and rain coat. Without national park entrance fee: US $20 and another special fee: US$5
Dear Jess, Mei,
I can't believe that you went to Huaraz too!! We went to the 3D2N trekking too and got frozen to death at night and I got Soroche after passing the Union point and got all excited. But at the time there wasn't snow on the ground as it were for you in the photo so I imagine it were even more difficult for you. But as you said, it is all worth it..(what we have been telling ourselves during the trip all the time to get through the tough bits ha ha)
Hope to hear your stories in Colombia soon! take care and all the best!!
Yu Han
dear Yu Han,
Ha... did you go to Huaraz instead of Chan Chan??
The 2nd night was freezing...I was shaking all nite and couldnt sleep. The result now is I cant stop coughing. And so does Jess.
By the way, lets meet when we are back to TPE. :D
By the way, our flight to Iquitos was cancelled, that´s why we were in Huaraz.
Dear Jess, Mei,
Have you recovered from the cough?
sure! Let's meet up when you're back...can't wait to hear your stories!!
take care
Yu han